A lot of people know Defendant Salois as 'Ms. Salois, the English teacher.'
Or, you could say that a lot of people know Ms. Salois, the English teacher, as 'Defendant Salois.'
What is surprising though is how many teachers who have sex with their students happen to be female English teachers.
Kelly Ann Garcia - Houston, Tx. - English teacher
Kahtanna Culp - Houston, Tx
Debra Lafave - Florida - English teacher
Carrie McCandless - Colorado
Erin Thorne -
Katheryn Carmean - Delaware
Elyse Cromwell - New Jersey - English teacher
Leah Shipman - North Carolina
Kristine Ngum - North Carolina
Stephanie Fletcher - New York
Amanda Sotelo - Texas
Lynne Freeman - Colorado
Stefanie Dickinson - Colorado
Irene Khan -
Nicole Jacques - Pennsylvania
Stephanie Cobb -
Lauren Redfern - Colorado
Heather Whitten - Alabama
Andrea Ebert - Wisconsin
Jennifer Schultz - North Dakota
Kelly Miller - Aurora, Ill.
Pamela Rogers Turner - Tennessee
Amber Jennings - Massachusetts
Mary Kay Letourneau - Washington
Wendie Schweikert - South Carolina
Tara Driscoll - New York - English teacher
Rachel Holt -
Holly Hatcher - Tennessee
Angela Renee Comer - Kentucky
Brittni Colleps - Texas
Stacy Schuler - Ohio
Amie Neeley -
Jody Onorato - Orlando, Fla.
If you're wondering why Salois hasn't made that list, a lot of it has to do with the way that the State of Missouri actively encourages teacher-student sexual relations.
Another big part of it is that Salois was teaching at Southeast Missouri State University at the time she left her husband of ten years to pursue a "physical fling" with her student, ten years her junior.
And much like one of the North Carolina cases mentioned above, Salois (then Ms.Job) ran off to Maryland to marry her student.
But, knowing what I do about Cape Girardeau and the surrounding area, it isn't surprising that the university there is used by some primarily as a dating service for teachers to meet students.
The part that is surprising is that the President of the Board of Education of the St. Louis Public Schools would go so far out of her way to ensure that a known sexual predator would remain eligible for employment at SLPS.
But then, note that not one case from Missouri is mentioned in the above listing, and that this is not due to the lack of teacher-student sexual relations in that state.
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